Media Release: “We Did It” - Disrupt Burrup Hub trio Guilty of Baiting Woodside and WA Government as Protest Campaign creates History

Three Disrupt Burrup Hub campaigners have pleaded Guilty to Creating False Belief for the hoax evacuation of Woodside’s 2023 AGM in the midst of an effective and escalating protest campaign that has been commemorated in history by the WA Museum’s acquisition of the original artefact used in the first Disrupt Burrup Hub protest in early 2023.

It comes as Woodside's seek to expand the Burrup Hub until 2070 by extending the life of the North West Shelf gas plant and exploiting the Browse gas field under the pristine Scott Reef.

Tahlia Stolarski, Gerard Mazza and Jesse Noakes have all had their Create False Belief charge (under s.171 of the WA Criminal Code) listed for sentencing in the Perth District Court on January 17 2025.

Another charge of Conspiracy to Commit an Indictable Offence was adjourned to November 26 for Trial Allocation in the Magistrates Court.

It comes following news that the WA Museum has acquired the original Woodside spray paint artefact from the inaugural Disrupt Burrup Hub protest featuring Joana Partyka and Desmond Blurton at the Art Gallery of WA in January 2023.

Disrupt Burrup Hub strategist, independent media operative and former schoolteacher Gerard Mazza said outside court today:

“Today we pleaded guilty to Creating False Belief — in other words,we pranked Woodside. We are guilty of pulling off a successful hoax. I’m not sure why it took 18 months of court adjournments to get to this point because I could have saved Woodside and the WA government a lot of time: yep, we did it.

“But if we want to talk about creating false beliefs, let’s talk about Woodside and the WA state government.

“They’re guilty of creating the false belief that 6 billion tonnes of emissions from Woodside’s Burrup Hub won’t cause climate chaos and mass death.

“They’re guilty of creating the false belief that acid gas emissions from Woodside’s Burrup Hub won’t destroy the ancient, sacred Murujuga rock art.

“They’re guilty of creating the false belief that more gas exports from Woodside’s Burrup Hub won’t drive up energy prices for Western Australians.

“One day, perhaps Woodside and the WA government will be pulled before a court like this one. They’ll be charged with much more serious crimes, and their victims will be future generations and all life on earth.

“We showed that a safe, successful stunt is enough to scare Woodside and the WA government.

“What they should really be scared of is approving Woodside’s Burrup Hub expansion.”

Joana Partyka, an artist and Disrupt Burrup Hub campaigner, said today:

“Today was a historic day: For the first time, the words ‘Fuck Woodside’ appeared on the front page of the Australian newspaper.

“It won’t be the last time, because Woodside’s toxic gas expansion will increasingly shock polite society.

“The WA Museum has recognised the historical significance of our fight against the Woodside death cult. In time, everyone will follow suit.”



Media Statement: "Crossing the line was the point" - Woodside CEO protesters sentenced
