DISRUPT BURRUP HUB endorses Students for Palestine Curtin Uni encampment
Credit: Emma Wyatt.
DISRUPT BURRUP HUB has formally endorsed the Gaza Solidarity Encampment set up at Curtin University.
DISRUPT BURRUP HUB's mission is to prevent governments and corporations from expanding fossil fuel production and thereby committing human rights violations. We stand against all human rights violations, including those committed against the people of Palestine.
We are disturbed that the Australian government and institutions like Curtin University are complicit in genocide.
We fully endorse the courageous students who are taking direct action to demand Curtin cut ties with Israel. We hope the Curtin University administration will listen to the Student Guild and divest from both Israel and the fossil fuel industry - both of which are perpetrating grave injustices.
Students for Palestine will hold a rally tomorrow on campus and invite all to attend:
When: Wednesday 15 May, 12.30 pm
Where: The Koi Pond near Library, Curtin University